Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wow-it's February third!

Can you believe that we are already past groundhog day and on our way to St. Valentines Day?

Here in Nova Scotia we follow Shubenacadie Sam's forecast and apparently we are going to be 'enjoying' another 6 weeks of winter. I would love to be outside taking some of the latest storm in, but our youngest hates the snow and cold. He is just getting over a bout of pneumonia so I really can't blame him! We have had a few good skates on our outdoor rink, though, and I'm hoping we can get a decent size tobogganing hill set up with the 'spoils' from today's continuing storm. If your interested in trying to build your own rink check out this link; Rink.

The snowmobilers have been going by all day, as we have a wonderful set of trails that run right next to our house. We don't have one yet (one income household) but are lucky enough to have a brother in law who doesn't mind sharing now and then!

Squidge waiting, not so patiently, for a snowmobile ride...

Big Jack and J-bird putting around the yard...

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